Multi-nationals and not-for-profit
We view the latest ads from multi-nationals, absorb the terror of foreign newsfeeds, and gorge on a diet of reality TV and IT. Our senses are bloated!
So, it’s refreshing to discover the Thankyou brand on our supermarket shelves.
In a turbulent time – when companies are going offshore and not-for-profit’s are competing to survive – this emerging movement keeps advancing.
Social enterprise mission
An Australian company founded six years ago, the Thankyou brand extends to water, food and body care. Their mission hasn’t changed. They exist to empower the everyday Australian to make a difference through a simple choice within their everyday life.
Made in Australia
Their packaging is simple and highlights their goals. For example, a pack of 6 Life Changing Nut Bars tells you “this pack provides one week’s access to food for someone in need”. And they even tell you they’re “made with love in Australia”!
It’s a social enterprise and their food range exists to fund life-changing food programs in the developing world. Their thought process also extends to packaging – mindful of sustainability, recycling and environmental impact. And through social media and public sentiment they even have the big supermarket chains onboard!
Real world difference
In today’s ever-competitive marketplace it’s good to know there is an Australian company with a social conscience that had the courage to take that first small step to create a real world difference.
In the words of their founder, Daniel Flynn: “impossibility is only someone’s opinion, not a fact”. Thankyou says a lot.