Delivering an Annual Report used to be straightforward
Back in the day, you’d simply create your printed document that could be mailed to stakeholders and supporters, and possibly had an accompanying PDF document that could be downloaded from your website.
Today, there’s so much more to consider
- the many more formats available to you;
- the possibility of using your annual report to reach new audiences;
- the environmental impact of delivering the annual report;
- how you make your annual report accessible comply with the Disabilities Discrimination Act and how does it comply with WGAG2.0 and best practice;
- and, of course, the financial costs.
A wise investment
If you print your annual report because that’s what you’ve always done you may be surprised at the benefits of investing in a different approach.
- a compelling annual report could help you to increase donations and volunteer support;
- supporters could be excited to see you moving in a digital direction that is more environmentally friendly;
- “digital” annual reports can be discoverable via Google, and shareable via social media, so could broaden your reach.
Thinking strategically
As with the content of your annual report, planning is key. Try to think strategically about of the delivery of your annual report: what do you need to produce for stakeholder, how you can best impress potential supporters, and how can you leverage the goodwill of existing supporters to spread your message for you.
Getting an idea of what your audience might prefer is a good place to start – a quick survey could tell you the devices they use for reading and for web browsing. Take the opportunity to find out the online social networks their involved in. Use SurveyMonkey to generate an online survey, free for up to ten questions.
You’ll probably find a blended approach is most effective: a short printed summary with highlights can be supported with detailed and accessible information available online, along with something shareable via social media like a video or infographic.
Need a how-to guide?
Download the free Tips for producing a Brilliant Annual Report ebook, to guide you through all the essentials of Corporate and Government annual reporting – why you should invest in your report and how to tell your story in a more engaging way through storytelling and infographics.
There are helpful ‘checklists’ to guide you through the process and a review of the ‘new’ options available for presenting your information. These options illustrate how you can utilise the capabilities of the internet for your growing online audience.
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Or just want to chat?
Call Alan on 9444 9400 or send us a message