Rebranding Baptistcare

key2 was approached by Baptistcare to undertake a comprehensive rebrand, the aim of which was to raise the organisation’s profile in what was fast becoming a very competitive marketplace with the introduction of Consumer Directed Care (CDC).

Baptistcare had a requirement to reposition themselves from being in the Care business to being in the Customer Service business where care, in all its dimensions, is the service being delivered and this required a significant change in organisational mindset.

The How

Baptistcare are a very person-centred organisation that focusses on meeting the needs of people by putting them first and foremost and supporting them to transform and enrich their lives.

Strategic meetings were held to plan a way forward together, to understand the implications of the reforms along with the organisation’s objectives vision and values and to create a brand that would visually embrace who they were, along with consistent key messages that supported their approach and future direction.

The Outcome

We introduced an authentic, engaging rebrand with photoshoots and real stories that told of the challenges and achievements of the people Baptistcare work with and developed content across the publications and website which was purposely audience-centric.

The result is a clear, cohesive organisational identity and comms system that communicates and supports their goals and objectives whilst honouring their overall vision and ongoing values. It has a uniqueness that communicates well aimed at encouraging more clients, staff, volunteers and donors.

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