Department of Mines and Petroleum annual report

Services Provided

Publications Web Design

Having an online, HTML annual report might initially seem overkill, but when you consider the saving in printing costs and the advantages of providing your annual report in an accessible format that can be viewed on any device, it actually makes a lot of sense.

The How

As a key State Government agency, Department of Mines and Petroleum need to deliver an annual report to Parliment that meets the highest standards in terms of accountability and good reporting. Many agencies choose key2 for their annual report design because of our wealth of expertise in designing reports in a highly readable and engaging format. Using the printed format as a starting point for the online version enables us to turn around the deliverables, HTML + PDF, on time and on budget.

The Safe at Home campaign

A campaign website helping raise much need funds for an important cause

Rebranding Kira

Consultation and research helped uncover the values and principles at the heart of Kira.